Although Mary Phelps
Jacob patented the modern bra, several other designers created similar garments
before 1914. George Frost and George Phelps patented an
"under-outfit" without bones, eyelets, laces or pulleys in 1875, and
Marie Tucek patented the "breast supporter," which featured
over-the-shoulder straps, pockets for the breasts and hook-and-eye closures, in
With the outbreak of World War I, the U.S. War Industries
Board requested that women stop buying corsets because the metal was needed for
the war effort. Approximately 28,000 tons of metal became available, and bras
replaced corsets.

How can you find transparent bras?
The transparent bras available on tend to
feature intricate lace detailing over a sheer base. Some of the bras feature
full transparent cups, while others are only partially transparent. The bras on
this website are available in sizes 32C through 38C and range in price from
around $20 to over $100.
Petite Cherry's store
caters to a wider range of sizes, from 32A to 42D. The selection of transparent
bras on this website features mainly partially-transparent cups with full
coverage and lace detailing. The bras on this website range in price from
around $20 to around $40.
Shop Style compiles
offers and products from a variety of other e-commerce websites. The prices and
styles on this website vary widely. Many of the transparent bras available on
Shop Style are over $100. Styles available include full cup transparent mesh
bras, as well as partially transparent bras with lace detailing and shelf bras
with partial transparencies over the nipples. This website also offers
accessories such as skin toned pasties that may be worn with transparent bras.